Join Our Half-Day Workshop

Love: An Inside Job

What Is This Workshop About?

Perhaps the most powerful of all human emotions, LOVE is what all of us discretely and secretly yearn for.

It's said, 'to love is to live, and to live is to love.'

Despite being the most organically desired emotion…

Why is love a force so intangible, mysterious, and elusive?

From relationships to career;

Our lifestyle to our life-choices;

Love is the underlying flame that fuels meaning to it all.

But what if — just what if love isn't something found outside of ourselves?

That we've been searching for it in the wrong places all these while.

What if love is, as plain as it sounds, an inside job?

Workshop Details

🗓️ Date   : 30th June 2024 (Sunday)

🕘 Time   : 10am — 1pm

📍 Venue : Millerz Square, Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur

💵 Price   : RM118 only (NP: RM138)

Why Should I Join?

Experience the benefits by attending the workshop:

  • Develop self-love and compassion

  • Acquire emotional intelligence

  • Gain elevation of self-awareness

  • Increased happiness and fulfilment

  • Build better relationships (with self and others)

What can I expect?

  • Insightful meditation

  • Engaging group discussion

  • Enlightening spiritual discourse

  • Interactive meet-and-connect session

Meet Our Teacher

Master Akhileshwara

Since childhood, Master Akhileshwara (Dennis De Vosse) has always been wildly fascinated with human psychology, eastern philosophy and universal spirituality.

After a sacred awakening in 2012, he has since lovingly dedicated his life to awaken humanity through yogic sciences and spiritual wisdom.

From his signature 1:1 empowerment coaching, meditative workshops, to spiritual discourses, he helps individuals experience embodied wholeness and expanded consciousness.

He is the founder of an all-inclusive spiritual community, Conscious Tribe, where he guides seekers to journey within towards self-realization.

“From the moment of my first session with Dennis, I felt a sense of peace and comfort washed over me. Dennis was able to connect with my Higher Self and the Universe, allowing for deep introspection and insight. Working with him was as close as it got to feeling held and supported by the Universe.

The healing that took place during our session was profound, to say the least. I felt a release of pent up emotions and newfound sense of peace. Dennis’ guidance and words were invaluable. Honestly, I left the session feeling empowered and ready to tackle any challenges that may come my way.

I highly recommend Dennis and his holistic healing modalities to anyone looking to receive true-to-self clarity and vibrational healing in any area of their life. The experience is truly life-changing and will sure to leave you feeling inspired and rejuvenated. If you’re looking for a way to connect with your Higher Self, I’d sincerely endorse taking a leap of faith with him."

Eson Ooi | Entrepreneur

“Truth be told, the meditation session did actually leave me quite vulnerable as I cried during our session. They were tears of love and letting go.

To whoever reads this, I’ll attempt to share my inner experience of the workshop. At some point during the session, I felt transported yet present. A foreign yet somewhat familiar sense of Oneness with the surrounding — everything around me seemed to have the same flow of energy which I intuitively felt was love. A realisation soon followed in which everything that happens (and has happened) is because of love, including my desire to change and where I am right now. Everything seems to have stem from this beautiful ‘something’ called love.

It’s like all I had known about love wasn’t the real thing until this inexplicable experience. I remember spontaneously screaming out ‘I love everyone!’ in my heart during the guided meditation. Thank you Dennis! I’m excited to explore spirituality with you.”

Adeline Ooi | Marketer

“For the past 2 years, I’ve been on a spiritual journey of self-discovery, trying to figure out the meaning of all my life experiences.

We live in a world that is heavily focused on external pursuits — achievements, accolades, social status and material possessions. I’ve lived this way my entire life, and it has been extremely draining.

But Dennis showed me another way of living: By going inwards — by becoming aware of our minds, and how they create our thoughts, emotions and dictate our behaviour. By learning how to live gracefully and effortlessly, rather than fighting against the flow of Life. By optimising our energy centres for overall well-being, and harnessing them to achieve our fullest potential. By tapping into our inner powers, and connect with the Universe. By cultivating a joy of Being — simply and peacefully.

I really do believe that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Thank you, Dennis for being that teacher for me. Your wisdom has paved the way for my spiritual evolution and awakening.

Because of you, my life has improved and transformed in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

Namaskaram, Guru.”

Christal Asong | Medical Doctor

About Us

Conscious Tribe

Conscious Tribe is an all-inclusive spiritual community.

We provide a safe sanctuary open to all spiritual seekers and conscious individuals committed to walk the inward journey. We're all about seeking truth, cultivating inner well-being, and elevating consciousness.

Our gatherings encompass various aspects, such as meditation workshops, spiritual discourse, spiritual healing, and overall well-being.

Join us as we embark on a journey of personal and collective transformation, nurturing each other's growth and fostering genuine connections.

Let's create a positive ripple effect together!

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